Vipassana practice is founded on moral conduct. Morality is the basis on which a balanced mind and self-mastery are developed. Mental purification is achieved by using your own wisdom which results from your own, direct experience.



All Vipassana meditation course participants must rigorously respect the following five precepts, for the duration of the course:

  1. You shall not steal
  2. You shall not lie
  3. You shall not kill
  4. You shall abstain from any sexual activity
  5. You shall abstain from any intoxicant (cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc.)


During the course, students are requested to follow the guide’s instructions and to respect the discipline. Students must use Vipassana and respect the discipline without adding or omitting anything. If they have practiced other types of meditation, students are requested to leave them aside for the duration of the course and, as long as they stay at the meditation center. Combining Vipassana meditation with other types of meditation may lead to unpleasant effect. Only with this attitude of trust and acceptance can a student work diligently. This acceptance must be made discerningly and with understanding. Trust in your guide, organizers and in your personal practice is essential for your success. Use this occasion to learn how to meditate correctly and sincerely.
We recommend those who have already done a Vipassana course at the Center and who also practice other types of meditation to no longer practice Vipassana, as combining techniques has proven to be harmful.


Must be respected from the beginning of the course, till the ninth day, at ten o’clock in the morning. Noble silence means bodily, verbal and mental silence. Any form of communication through gestures, written words, signs etc. is forbidden. Nevertheless, students will be allowed to speak to the organizers about any problem regarding accommodation, food etc. This contact should be reduced to a minimum. Students must work in favorable conditions, far away from society’s noise.


A total sexual segregation will be respected. Married or unmarried couples must not have any kind of contact during the course, so as to not bother their meditation.


No physical contact may occur between people of the same or different sex. Touching pets (dogs, cats, etc) must also be avoided.


Such objects are to be left at home. If, out of negligence, you bring them with you, they will be entrusted to the organizers for the ten days of the course. In this manner, neutrality and equality are maintained.


It is forbidden to bring any kind of drug, alcohol, or other intoxicant, including tranquilizers, sleeping pills and sedatives, to a course or to the meditation center. Those who are following a medical prescription should inform the organizers. If you have cold or flue-like symptoms, please postpone to another course. You will not be able to pay attention to your breathing and you will bother the others and make them ill. Thank you!


Smoking is not allowed at the meditation center. Those who have this habit must understand that by breaking this rule, they bother non-smokers and those who sincerely want to meditate.


It is impossible to satisfy the culinary preferences of each student. They are asked to adapt to the simple, vegetarian cuisine provided at the course. Food is important, do not neglect it. If, out of health reasons, a student is forced to respect some special diet, they must inform the organizers in their application e-mail.



Clothes must be adapted to mountain life, simple and comfortable (boots, tracksuits, waterproof jackets, hats – during cold seasons).
Transparent, tightly fitting or loud clothes must be avoided to minimize distractions between participants.
Nude sunbathing or any other form of nudity is not authorized.
We advise you to bring a sleeping bag if possible, to pack your clothes in a rucksack and please avoid bringing suitcases.


As students must live and practice altogether, it is essential that they wash everyday and wear clean clothes.
Some meditators may like to use blankets we provide, some may prefer to come with their own sleeping bag.
The toilets and showers must be kept clean.


Students must remain within the Centre until the end of the course. They can only leave with special consent from the organizers. Any type of communication through telephone, e-mail, any contact with visitors will have to be suspended. In case of emergency, a visitor may contact the organizers.


Listening to the radio or MP3 player etc. is not allowed. You must not bring reading and writing materials to the course. This restriction regarding writing and reading helps to strengthen the practice of meditation. Cameras, mobiles, TVs, laptops, I-pods, tablets, music devices and any other electronic device may NOT be used during the course, and outside of courses only with the organizers’ consent.


Vipassana is not a substitute for psychiatric treatment and healthy people best profit from it.
Due to the fact that in the past, students have come to courses with unrealistic expectations of resolving various psychological and neurological diseases, we ask new students who know they have had that kind of past to bring a medical certificate from a relevant specialist which states that they are capable of taking part in a Vipassana course. We are not held responsible for any possible manifestation caused by disease during or after the course.


Courses are exclusively financed by donations. These are only accepted from advanced students, as in those who have followed at least one ten-day Vipassana meditation course. The reason for this is that a donation can only be accepted from someone who has they themselves benefited from Vipassana meditation.
If you have this intention of sharing these benefits with others, each person can donate according to their possibilities. Even a small donation can prove a correct understanding: the intention of sharing however little with others.
In this way your donation is made with the following pure thought: “Because somebody donated towards the cost of my course, I would now like to donate something towards someone else’s course.”


The following schedule was designed to allow students to maintain a continuous practice: You are advised to respect it as rigorously as possible so you obtain the best results.
4:30 – Wake up gong
5:00 – 6:30 Meditation
6:30 – 8:00 Breakfast and rest
8:00 – 9:00 Meditation (Adhitthana)
9:00 – 11:00 Meditation
11:00 – 13:00 Lunch and rest
13:00 – 14:30 Meditation
14:30 – 15:30 Meditation (Adhitthana)
15:30 – 17:00 Meditation
17:00 – 18:00 Tea time
18:00 – 19:00 Meditation (Adhitthana)
19:00 – 20:00 Discourse
20:00 – 21:00 Meditation
21:00 – 21:30 Questions for your guide
21:30 – Lights out

The meditations are in the meditation hall. There are 5-15 minute breaks between them.

May this discipline help you benefit the most from your meditation course!

Be careful not to disturb the others with your behavior!

Do not let the others’ behavior distract your attention!

May the experience of Vipassana practice bring you peace and harmony!